Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sheep moving about

The sheep have not moved in the daylight for some time now. Completely nocturnal since it is too hot to graze in the sunlight. They did appear on the cloudy cool day for a short while. Can you imagine wearing a wet, wool coat when it is 100 degrees. Sheep don't sweat, they pant, and their heart and lungs can't stay in over drive forever. They will heat stroke if not cooled down. My job is to keep a vigil till this heat passes. Sort out the sheep that is not moving and find out why. Also the time of year to watch for blow flies.

Cat nap day

Cats seem to enjoy everyday, but especially a cool, cloudy day. We did have one such day last week and it felt great, if only we could have more in the 70's days. I would love a cat nap, but since I am so far behind on processing fiber, I spent the afternoon in the shop skirting fleeces for washing. I really enjoy processing good fiber, but I just can't make myself do it when it is 100 degrees in the shade.